Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries that enhances the shape and size of the breasts via silicone or saline implants.

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What is a Breast Augmentation?

Also known as augmentation mammaplasty, breast augmentation is commonly performed to enlarge small or underdeveloped breasts. This procedure may also be utilized to restore the fullness of breasts that have decreased in size after pregnancy, or to improve symmetry in cases where the patient’s breasts are of differing sizes.

Breast Augmentation vs Breast Lift:

Breast augmentation can improve the fullness and shape of your breasts, improve the balance of your, and may even enhance your self-esteem and confidence. However, it is also important to understand breast augmentation will NOT correct severely drooping or sagging breasts. Typically, a procedure known as a breast lift is required to correct sagging breasts. This procedure can sometimes be performed at the same time as breast augmentation, but may require a separate operation in some cases. Your LSU Plastic Surgeon will review your options and help you decide the most appropriate treatment plan for you.

About the Procedure:

Breast augmentation typically involves surgically inserting an implant either over or under the muscle. The most common types of implants used are saline (filled with sterile salt water) and silicone (filled with silicone gel.) During the procedure, the incision can be made in several different areas including under the breast, under the arm, or under the areola.As an alternative to implants, you may be interested in the fat transfer breast augmentation, which utilizes fat from your own body to increase the size of your breasts.

Following surgery, your breasts will be wrapped in gauze dressings, and an elastic bandage or support bra will be used to support your breasts as well. As with most surgical procedures, recovery time will vary from patient to patient and should be discussed with your physician. In addition, you will be given instructions pertaining to caring for your breasts, any medications that may be needed, and when a follow-up visit to the surgeon may be needed.