upper back lift

An upper back lift addresses folds and fatty collections of skin of the mid to upper back that may continue onto the sides or upper abdomen.

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What Is A Back Lift?

A back lift describes treatment to contour the upper or lower back. A back lift removes excess skin and underlying fat, smoothing contours and lifting the skin to achieve a tighter, more toned aesthetic.

An upper back lift addresses folds and fatty collections of skin of the mid to upper back that may continue onto the sides or upper abdomen. Upper back lift surgery is often combined with breast or upper (reverse) abdominoplasty procedures. The resultant scar is a thin, inconspicuous line that falls within the bra line. Upper back lift results are also seen with an extended arm lift, which includes removal of tissue along the side of the chest, secondarily reducing excess skin in the upper back.

A lower back lift is a powerful operation often performed in conjunction with abdominoplasty, a thigh lift, and/or outer thigh liposuction that not only removes excess lower back skin but also lifts the outer thigh and buttock area, reducing the torso. This scar is also a thin line that is inconspicuously hidden within the fabric of underwear and bathing suits.

Who is a Good Candidate For a Back Lift?

Good candidates for a back lift are men and women in good physical and psychological health who are non-smokers. A back lift is appropriate for patients who have undergone massive weight loss, and for individuals who suffer from loss of skin elasticity due to age, pregnancy or heredity.

A back lift may be combined with abdominoplasty, liposuction, a thigh lift or breast surgery to rejuvenate the entire physique. During the initial consultation you will discuss what you would like to improve so we can understand your expectations and determine how to best achieve the desired results.

What is The Recovery Like For a Back Lift?

Surgery may be performed as an outpatient or in a hospital setting with an overnight stay. One may experience discomfort, swelling, and numbness. Patients are up and walking within hours of surgery, but require recuperation for several weeks, maybe longer depending upon the extent of the surgery performed. Most resume regular activities and return to work after 3-4 weeks. Drains may remain in place for that period of time. Swelling and numbness may take months to resolve. Typically those undergoing back lift surgery wear a bra or binder to protect their incisions.

How Long Does it Take to Recover?

Recovery time after a back lift depends on which type of back lift procedure you have. Recovery after an upper back lift is usually 7-10 days, while recovery after a lower back lift can take three or four weeks or longer.